The 2024 Fauquier County Community Resource Guide is now available on-line. An updated version will be in print in late September.
Click on the link below to view this annual publication listing all the human services in
Fauquier County.
Produced by The Partnership for Community Resources and the Lifestyle Magazines
The Fauquier County Community Resource Guide is a full color, 8½ x 11 annual publication, distributed to more than 8,000 families, organizations and businesses each September. This publication helps residents identify and utilize the human services available throughout Fauquier County.
Published in collaboration between the Fauquier Partnership for Community Resources and the Lifestyle Magazines, the information in this guide features all the human services available in the County – everything from food pantries, transportation and medical care to employment services, in-home assistance for dementia patients and domestic violence shelters. In addition to print, the Resource Guide has an on-line presence which provides convenience to residents whenever and wherever it matters.
The agencies provide their own written description of the services offered, and others involved with PCR and Warrenton Lifestyle update important hotline and helpline phone numbers each year.
The Fauquier County Community Resource Guide is free to the community, due to the advertisements many local organizations have placed within the publication. Help keep this a FREE publication to the community and reach more prospective customers for your services by placing an ad in this year's Guide. Through full-color display advertising in a variety of sizes and very reasonable prices. We can even help you design a great looking ad at no additional cost. For advertising rates and information, contact Jim Kelly (jim@whglifestyle.com • 434-987-3542) or Cindy McBride (cindy@whglifestyle.com • 540-229-6038)
Warrenton Lifestyle Magazine
A Rappahannock Media/
InsideNoVa company
70 Main St. (by appointment)
Warrenton, VA 20186
Tel: 540-349-2951